Thursday, November 3

Day 4 Quickie

O Hai Beauties!

Day 04 - A habit that you wish you didn't have

Opening my mouth without thinking! It's truly awful; recently I have told a colleague "I thought you were gay". He wasn't. I also said to a guy in my history and psychology classes "you look drugged up"... ooops! They are both perfectly lovely men (that's why I thought he was gay: lovely, primary assistant etc.), but anyway, I SHOULDN'T HAVE SAID A THING IN THE FIRST PLACE! Maybe by seeing that in writing I'll manage to knock some sense into my head. Is that just wishful thinking?

Lots of Love, 
Krystyna x

1 comment:

  1. don't worry i do this too ;)

    check out my blog, hope you like it <3
